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 Google email account
Google email account is an account which e-mail messages are created,sent,received and stored. In google email account one can chat with someone who is anywhere in the world provided that he is online at that instance. With google email account one can call, send and receive messages via "chat and sms" to mobile phones as a part of an email account. With google account one can send securely his/her vital information to a desired area due to its highly ensured security set to google email accounts!

         This service provided by google play a greatest role which I believe is the  most basic to the spirit of intergration to African people and elsewhere in the world and this is communication!
          Through Google account I can find friends and chat freely with no limit when I was in my account. This service really provide Knowledge and how to give awareness of how how other people live in such side and help us know one another through google! this one provide unity which is what we call it Intergration in other words!
         Through google accounts call service people get connected together as they are moving from their countries to other countries, so one can still have access to home and become intergrated to his/her people from home through google account!
          Since google account is able to send and store informations like curriculum vitae copy of certificates and other usefull and vital informations in its account one can do information transaction  for example one can apply for a job online and send and receives responces through google email accounts. This makes Life of communication easily which in case of information sharing. Information sharing is a part of intergration!


<*>Don't tell any body about what you are thinking until you make a research and you get a right to speak!

* An empty head is the cave of satan, fill your head with great ideas!
*Talk nice and think twice!
*Don't make something to make them laugh, do something to make them taught
*Talkless action is the best truth!
*fight for the best and you will get it!
*Don't be so proud in front of your enemies!
*Remember there is the commitee discussing your future now, on't not invited?
* My best friend is ma head, what about you? if  it is the same apply it 'n work       with it exactilly!!!!!!!!!!!
*Dont do something to make them laugh, do something to make them taught.
*Cheer with your friends,dont be angry you will miss your opportunity!
*Secrete is a secrete if it is only in your heart.
* I'm always asking my self, if they can why can't I?
*Try to do the best and god will do the rest.
*If you want to eat a toad, you should look for a fat and a juicy one!
*Do a right thing at a right time,in a good manner and order.
*Always the early bird catches the worm.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......!!!!!!!!

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A lesson!

If you have a person beside you
If you acquire all you wish for 
Assure your dream has come true
And you don't have something to learn

You feel as if the earth has stood
Just for you!
Coz you are special
And you become a blind one

Your future is hard to determine
B'se you hold all things in ya palm
Don't you think they will escape just like a dew!
Days pass and all this change

Beloved ones become enemies
The one you never expected shows
Their true colous and attitudes toward you
with regard who you are, they dump you

All this happen 
While their needs have been fulfilled
They don't remember your kindness
But your bad moments!

you thought this day won't come 
Bigger supprise is that
You survived in it!
And thought it ya have to learn
The wisedom which i call it a lesson!!!!!!!!!!!